6.810 Engineering Interactive Technologies (fall 2021)

Project: Weekly Milestones

Since 6.08 is a prerequisit, you should be familiar with this milestone structure from the 6.08 group project.

(1) Fill out Milestone Spreadsheet

Every week you will write down what you plan to accomplish during the week in your milestone spreadsheet in your team's google drive folder. You will also write down what you will demo to your mentor to showcase that you successfully accomplished your goal for the week.

(2) Prepare for Milestone meeting with your Mentor:

Before you will come to meet with your mentor, you will make a short video demonstrating your milestone and upload it to your team's google drive folder in the corresponding milestone folder. This will speed up the process of your mentor learning what is new this week. Please use Handbrake or a similar tool to compress your video before putting it in the google drive (20MB max per video).

(3) Milestone meetings with Mentor (30 min per team)

Every friday you will meet for approximately 30 minutes with your mentor. Your mentor will let you know your meeting time in your team's slack channel. At the meeting, your mentor will spend the first 10 minutes looking at your results. Your mentor will then spend the next 20 minutes discussing any issues you may have and your plans for the next week.


For grading, we will take the following into account:
  • Did the team deliver the milestone on time as specified the week prior?
  • Did the milestone have an appropriate number of workhours (i.e. 6 hours per student) or was it too simple, i.e. did not justify 6 hours of work, in which case we will take half the points off.