6.810 Engineering Interactive Technologies (fall 2021)
Project: Final Presentation
On this page, we will provide you with information for your final project presentation. All things on this page aredue on the day of final presentation
- Prepare Final Presentation
- Set Up Live Demo
- Upload Rotoscope, Photos and Video of your Project
- Upload Code and Hardware Design Files
(1) Prepare Final Presentation
Presentation Time: Each team will have5 minutes to present
. There will be no questions this time, we will ask our questions during the live demo session. Since we have 8 teams, we will be done with this part after ca. 40 minutes. The second part of class will then be your live demos
(more on this below).Splitting the Talk among Presenters: Every student on the team needs to present a part of the slides. We recommend that each student presents the part they worked on but if that leads to too much switching back and forth you can also pick a different split. We know from the milestone spreadsheets who did what.
Template File in your Google Drive: There is a template file in your google drive called
. Feel free to change the slide layout etc., this is just an example from last year to get you started.Presentation Content: We leave the structure of the final presentation to you. We recommend to give a brief reminder about the problem and the solution. Then
report on the progress since the midterm presentation
(no need to repeat everything from the midterm, we already saw that). And then show your final product
through the photos you made and the video.Add Presentation Link to Spreadsheet: Once you are done with your slides, add the link to the slides here.
(2) Set Up Live Demo
After everyone finished their presentation, we will have alive demo session
. 4 Teams will demo first (30 min)
, and then we will switch and have the other 4 teams demo (30 min).
We will go in the order of presentation (whoever presented among the first 4 teams will also demo first).
Types of Live Demos: There are
different levels of live demo
- No functional device: Your device is just laying on the table, we can look at the hardware but it is not functional. You have at least a video running on a laptop that shows that it worked at some point.
- Device can be used by somebody from your team: Your device is functional and can be live demo-ed by somebody from your own project team.
- Device can be used by somebody from the teaching team: Your device is so robust that it works even when used by a member of the teaching team and not just by yourself.
(3) Upload Photos and Video of your Project
You already prepared arotoscope
for your project for the midterm presentation. For the final presentation, you now also need to take photos, e.g. of your hardware or the device in use on a user's body
and make a video for your project
.Specification for Photo / Video: We expect at least
5 photos
of your final prototype. The photos should document the hardware prototype as well as how the product is supposed to be used in action (i.e. include photos of the device on the user's body). Make sure you review how to take a good photo with a backdrop and how to photoshop it for high quality from lab 14. For the video, we recommend a 1-2 minute video
. Avoid using stock material, all video material should be captured by you. Make sure you review how to make a good video from lab15.Adding Photos and Video to Final Presentation: We recommend you use the photos in your final presentation and also add the video. If your video is longer than 1-2 minutes, consider showing only a portion of the video in the final presentation, so you also have some time to talk.
Adding Rotoscope, Photo, Video to Google Drive: Please
upload your rotoscope, photos, and video
to your team's google drive in the folder '10-rotoscope-photos-video'
.(4) Upload Code and Hardware Design Files
Finally, please upload all your code and hardware design files.Code: For code, please upload either the code directly or provide a github repository link with all the code file. Make sure your code contains a
readme file
with instructions for how to run the code. Your code should also be properly documented
.3D Model / Laser Cut / Inkjet Print Files: Please include any 3D model's you made for your project, both the source files (e.g. Blender or Solidworks files) and the 3D printable files (.stl). We also need files if you laser cut parts or inkjet printed circuits. Please clearly name the files so we know which file has which part.
PCB Files: If you made a PCB board with Eagle or another software, please include the electronic design files as well.
Other files: If we forgot to list something here, please still include it. There is a high chance that we will continue to work on the project with some of you, e.g. through a UROP and bring the project to publication, so we want to make sure that all the files are in the folder. In case the project will be published, we will make sure everyone receives credit who worked on the project, i.e. all our undergraduate researchers co-author the paper.