6.810 Engineering Interactive Technologies (fall 2021)

Project: Midterm Presentation

On this page, we will provide you with information for your midterm project presentation.


  1. Presentation Time
  2. Splitting the Talk among Presenters
  3. Template File in your Google Drive
  4. Presentation Content
  5. Add Presentation Link to Spreadsheet

(1) Presentation Time

Each team will have 7 minutes to present and we will have 8 minutes for questions afterwards, for a total of 15 minutes per team. We will gong you out after your 7 minutes talk time are over, so please stick to your time.

(2) Splitting the Talk among Presenters

Every student on the team needs to present a part of the slides. We recommend that each student presents the part they worked on but if that leads to too much switching back and forth you can also pick a different split. We know from the milestone spreadsheets who did what.

(3) Template File in your Google Drive

There is a template file in your google drive called 8-midterm-presentation example.gslides. Feel free to change the slide layout etc., this is just an example from last year to get you started.

(4) Presentation Content

Your presentation should cover the following points:

  1. What is the problem you are trying to solve?
  2. What is the solution? (use your rotoscope, see below)
  3. What are technical challenges?
  4. How did you address them with what you build?
  5. What you have done so far (use milestone videos)
  6. What you plan to do next?

Spend the majority of your time on what you build, the technical challenges you encountered, and what technical solutions you found to address them. This does not mean whining about how many sleepless nights you had, but providing a clear overview of what worked/what didn't work, and how fixed it.

(5) Prepare Rotoscope for Group Project

To illustrate your solution (point 2 above), please prepare a rotoscope for your group project. Refer back to Lab 13 Drawing Rotoscopes if you need some guidance. You may optionally create additional rotoscopes for other portions of your slides, but this is not required.

(5) Add Presentation Link to Spreadsheet

Once you are done with your slides, add the link to the slides here.


For grading, we will both evaluate the quality of your presentation as well as the progress on your project in the last four weeks.